New Retirement Village enhances mental and physical wellbeing in Grounds Week
Above : Pupils using their iPads
St Matthias CE Primary School applied to our Community Chest in order to enhance its pupils access to technology and accelerate academic progress.
The grant comes from a funding pot for Platform customers and local charities, clubs and other not-for-profit organisations; applications are welcomed if their work or project directly benefits Platform customers. All applications are assessed against specific eligibility criteria by customers who sit on our Customer Voice Panel.
The funding means the school can purchase 10 mini iPads.
James Thompson, Deputy Headteacher at St Matthias CE Primary School said: “On behalf of the school community, I would like to thank Platform Housing Group for supporting us with this grant. Due to the combination of advancements in technology and our ever reducing budgets, some of our technology is becoming dated. Benefits will include our young people growing into adults with a better understanding of the digital world and particularly how to stay safe online, increasing personal resilience and better mental health.”
Marion Duffy, Chief Operations Officer at Platform Housing Group said: “We are delighted to be able to support this project. It will allow the school to enhance its curriculum and safeguard its pupils, as well as providing access to educational resources resulting in improved work and life opportunities.”
James concluded: “Importantly, this funding will allow us to support our most disadvantaged children who do not have access to technology at home. The devices will be deployed throughout Early Years and Key Stage 1 and will impact children year on year, approximately 100 pupils a year.”