Customer Strategies, Policies and Newsletters

Here you will find our customer strategies and policies as well as your Customer Connect Newsletters and other useful documents.

Customer policies
Platform Housing Group - Customer Annual Report 2023-24

Customer Annual Report 2023-24

Each year we produce a Customer Annual Report, so you are able to see how we’ve performed in the last financial year.

In this report, we take a look at our successes; show the impact they've had on customers like you and introduce you to colleagues who talk about why delivering a great service is so important to them.

Read more here

Latest issue of our Customer Connect Newsletter

Find out what's going on in our most recent Issue 1 (2024) edition of your Customer Connect newsletter.


Repairs, Maintenance and Safety Guide

In the above newsletter, we also included a handy Repairs, Maintenance and Safety Guide which tells you all you need to know about our repairs and maintenance service, along with important safety advice.


Past Issues of Customer Connect Newsletter and Customer Annual Reports

Customer Strategies

Customer Policies

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Testimonial graphic