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Residents in Droitwich are benefiting after the installation and essential maintenance of defibrillators thanks to £800 Community Chest funding from Platform Housing Group.
Since 2017 Droitwich AED have fitted 160 defibrillators throughout Worcestershire and 50 in Droitwich and this recent funding has enabled the machines at the WANDS Children’s Centre and The Gardeners Arms on Vines Lane to be maintained in rescue ready state for the next five years.
Maintaining the defibrillators is vital for saving people’s lives and have proved their worth in successfully reviving four people in Droitwich including a four-year-old girl.
Peter Richards, the Chair of Trustees at Droitwich AED said: “We are very grateful to Platform Housing Group for helping us save local lives by sponsoring the ongoing maintenance of two of our AEDs (Automated External Defibrillator) in Droitwich.
“The maintenance costs mean electrode pads and batteries need changing twice over a five-year period whether the defibrillator is used or not in that time, but of course it is essential they are ready.”
Marion Duffy, Platform Housing Group’s Chief Operations Officer said, “We’re delighted and humbled to hear how our Community Chest funding is helping people in our communities and saving lives.
“Droitwich AED do such fantastic work in ensuring defibrillators are not only installed but that the ongoing maintenance is carried out so the machines can be relied upon whenever they are needed.”
Platform customers and local charities, clubs and other not-for-profit organisations can apply for Community Chest Funding if their work or project directly benefits local Platform customers. All applications are assessed against specific eligibility criteria by customers who sit on their Customer Voice Panel.
Local community groups can find out more and apply for Platform’s Community Chest Funding here.