Aids and Adaptions
Platform is committed to providing a high-quality aids and adaptations service to enable customers to live safely and more independently within their homes.
What is an adaptation?
If you have a disability or specific need that prevents you from living independently, you can apply to have an adaptation made to your home.
An adaptation is a change to your home which allows you or someone who lives with you to live more independently or improves safety or mobility around the home.
There are two types of adaptations as outlined below.
How to apply
You can apply for a minor adaptation or ask for advice on how to apply for a major one by contacting us on 0333 200 7304 or email We will acknowledge receipt within 7 calendar days.
If there is a lot of work needed usually costing over £1,000 you will need to contact your local authority to request a Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) and an Occupational Therapist assessment.
The £1,000 limit varies by local authority and if you need to know what applies in your area or contact details of your local authority department please contact us. There is usually a high demand for this service and the average waiting time varies by local authority. Typically it can be a few months or up to a year.
For further information and to see some frequently asked questions please click here.
Aids and Adaptations Frequently Asked Questions
Long term illness or disability may mean that you or a family member need a few changes to your home. An adaptation is a piece of equipment or alteration including:
- Grab / Hand rails
- Access ramps
- Walk in shower
- Lever taps
- Wheelchair access kitchen
- Special bathroom equipment
- Stair lifts and lifting equipment
In most cases an adaptation can help you live independently. However, sometimes we have to recognise that an adaptation is not the right answer or may not be possible in your home.
If that is the case, we can work with you to explore other ways of meeting your needs. This could include helping you find a new home which better meets your requirements.
Weekly rent will be increased if the work has provided an additional room or rooms (through provision of an extension). However, weekly rent may be reduced if a bedroom is lost in order to accommodate the works.
A service charge will be introduced from the date of installation where adaptations require a maintenance contract to maintain or service the equipment, such as stairlifts and hoists.
You can apply for an adaptation by contacting us at 0333 200 7304 or email We will acknowledge receipt within 7 calendar days.
If there is a lot of work needed usually costing over £1,000 you will need to contact your local authority to request a Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) and an Occupational Therapist assessment. The £1000 limit varies by local authority and if you need to know what applies in your area or contact details of your local authority department, please contact us at 0333 200 7304 or email There is usually a high demand for this service and the average waiting time varies by local authority. Typically, it can be a few months or up to a year